[에코프레소] 2024.10.10.
기차가 달리며 태양열로 전기 충전을 한다?
스위스 연방교통청이 자국의 한 스타트업 프로젝트에 찬사를 보내며, 승인 도장을 찍었다. 이 기술은 스위스 최초로 적용되는 기술이며, 기후 위기 시대 새로운 해법을 제시할 것으로 평가받고 있다. 이 기술은 바로 스위스 스타트업 썬웨이즈가 개발한 철도 노선용 이동식 태양광 발전소다.
스위스 스타트업 썬웨이즈(Sun-Ways)는 화석연료에서 재생 에너지로의 전환과 산업 인프라 공간 활용도 저하라는 두 가지 주요 글로벌 과제에 대응하기 위해 탄생했다.
썬웨이즈가 대응을 위해 지목한 곳은 바로 철도 노선이다. 전 세계적으로 100만 km2가 넘는 철도 노선 사이 사용하지 않는 부지가 존재하고, 유럽에서만 26만 km2가 이러한 부지가 있다. 이러한 문제점을 인식한 썬웨이즈는 혁신적인 해결책을 제안했다.
보다 자세한 내용은 원문 [에코프레소] 2024.10.10. 링크 참조.
"코레일 보고 있나?" '철도 레일 공간에 까는 태양광 패널' 스위스 스타트업의 혁신
구독을 누르시면 매일 유럽 현지에서 전해드리는 친환경 경제 뉴스 '에코프레소' 한 잔을 내려드립니다. 기차가 달리며 태양열로 전기 충전을 한다? 스위스 연방교통청이 자국의 한 스타트업 프
Sun-Ways 홈페이지를 가 보았습니다. FQA에 더 많은 내용이 있었습니다. 인터넷 브라우저에서 불어 원문을 한글로 번역해 주지 않아 일단 영어 번역문을 퍼나르니 참고하기 바랍니다. FAQ | Sun-Ways https://www.sun-ways.ch/blank-7A
Why are we talking about removable solar power plants?
Usually, the term removable does not apply to solar panels, which we readily imagine to be permanently fixed. But in the case of Sun-Ways, removable becomes an essential feature. Indeed, it is not enough to securely fix the panels between the rails to allow the safe passage of trains. The second major constraint is the ability to remove these solar panels, so that the maintenance teams of the railway infrastructure can carry out heavy work such as grinding the rails, grooming or tamping the ballast; Otherwise, the solar installation could be severely damaged.
Isn't it too expensive to remove the panels every time the rails are maintained?
The operation of the Sun-Ways system has a cost, of course, but as the process is mechanized, this cost is perfectly controlled and can be included in the overall cost of an installation. At this stage of our development, the average cost per kWh produced is around CHF 0.10.
How is solar power used?
There are three ways to use the photovoltaic current produced: it can be reinjected into the railway company's LV (low voltage) network to supply the railway infrastructure (switches, signals, stations), it is also possible to reinject the current into the electricity network of the nearest local DSO (Distribution System Operator) or by reinjecting the current into the traction energy network that supplies the locomotives. The latter is ideally suited to the mechanised and industrial process of the Sun-Ways installation concept, as it avoids the installation of inverters on the ground and the feed-in power can also be recovered via the substations.
How to avoid the risk of vandalism or theft?
In the end, these risks are the same as for a solar power plant installed on a roof or a noise barrier. Although Sun-Ways uses standard panels, these are pre-assembled in the workshop with junction elements that require special tools to be disassembled. In addition, a special marking on each panel greatly reduces the risk of theft.
How to guarantee the cleanliness of the panels?
It is true that dirty panels produce less and this problem is also true on the roofs of houses or in the desert. However, for the panels placed between the rails, there are cleaning systems, in the form of a cylindrical brush, which is placed at the end of the train and which automatically cleans the panels when the train passes overhead. This ensures maximum panel performance at minimal cost.
How can production be guaranteed in the event of snowfall?
Obviously, snow-covered panels cannot produce electricity, especially since in our case they are laid flat. However, this problem deserves to be put into perspective, because in winter, even for plants on sloping roofs, production is minimal from November to February.
How can we be sure that the system can withstand the passage of trains?
The Sun-Ways attachment system exerts a force on each rail, and its design gives the device a very high degree of stability. An expert report indicates that the Sun-Ways device remains perfectly stable to the passage of trains up to 150 km/h and withstands winds up to 240 km/h. On the section chosen for the pilot project, the maximum speed is 70 km/h.
Aren't locomotive drivers likely to be dazzled?
The use of Full black panels with anti-glare filter reduces this risk. In addition, for each Sun-Ways installation project, a glare analysis is carried out, as is already the practice for ground-based power plants installed near railway tracks.
What is the size of a photovoltaic panel?
The standard photovoltaic panels used with the Sun-Ways devices installed between the rails of a "normal" track, with a gauge of 1443 mm, have a dimension of approximately 1000 mm X 1700 mm. The size of the photovoltaic panels can vary depending on the track gauge and the Sun-Ways device adapts accordingly.
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